Business Plan Writing/Restructuring Service        

A business plan is any plan that works for a business to look ahead, allocate resources, focus on key points, and prepare for problems and opportunities. In another word, a business plan is a presentation of a company, its opportunities and needs.

Since a business plan is a vital tool for any business, the process involved in preparing a business plan imposes a certain logic and order within an enterprise. Often overlooked, however, is consideration of the interests and needs of capital providers. To effectively position the company of investment financing, the entrepreneur must understand the capital provider's perspective and address those concerns.

Writing business plans is a very complicated process since many factors will have to be taken into consideration and the business plan should be presented in an acceptable format for better results. This job should be kept to professional writers.


Should a business plan already been written, we are ready to evaluate it and give our opinion, as well as, offer our suggestions for better improvement.


If we are asked to write a complete business plan from A to Z, our professional team that includes CPA, lawyers and business & financial professionals stands ready for this process.

A business plan is any plan that works for a business to look ahead, allocate resources, focus on key points, and prepare for problems and opportunities. In another word, a business plan is a presentation of a company, its opportunities and needs.


What should be included in a business plan may vary, based on the type of business and the purpose of the plan itself, while general guidelines remain the same.

The following tips intend to help a company improve its position for financing through its business plan:

Business description – Provide a description of the business activities. In case of an existing business, describe how the business or the project of the company was developed. Try to be as much informative as possible. This part of the business plan should include the company's objectives, opportunities and profit target, resulting forecasts, risks and challenges.

Company or project promoters – Provide a brief biography about the project or company promoters and directories. 

Manpower – Mention the skills of the working team if any, or indicate the skills required.

Marketing strategy - Be market-driven and not product-driven. Show a well-researched understanding and justifying of what you want and highlight unique benefits from purchasing the product or service. Whenever possible, quantify benefits in terms of cost savings or revenue generation. Show how sales will grow rapidly.

Assess your competition - Explain how your product or service is superior to those already in the marketplace. Indicate how these competitive advantages will be exploited and identify the most important direct and indirect competitors

Identify sales and distribution channels - Explain exactly how the product or service is into the customer's hands and at what cost. Include product or service policies and characteristics. Include sales brochures or any other useful information and/or presentation tool that can be helpful in the marketing process.


Establish product or service protection - Protection of the proprietary position through trade secret, patent, copyright and trademark registration may be essential.

Assemble an experienced management team - A top-notch management team with a variety of proven skills including product development, manufacturing, marketing and finance is crucial. Compensation incentives and employment, agreements can reassure investors of continuing employment. A Board of Directories or Advisors consisting of industry experts lends credibility and can enhance the value of the management team. Include resumes of all principles and key operating and advisory personnel.

Financial Statements - Provide current and historical balance sheets and profit and loss statements for the business. If the business is a start-up situation, provide current personal balance sheets for all principles. Provide cash flow projections for the first two years, prepared on a monthly basis.

Prepare realistic financing projections that do not deviate dramatically from industry norms - Projections should be in summary form, but be prepared to support them in more detail. Profitability in five years is important in determining valuation and the percentage of equity or debt the capital provider will want for the investment.

Indicate the investment expected - Show how much money the enterprise is seeking, the form of investment sought, how the funds will be used and what portion of the enterprise the investment will purchase.

Target funding requirements - There are a variety of financing sources: venture capital, public offerings, and financial institutions, in addition to funding vehicles such as equity agreements, limited partnerships and joint ventures.

Fit the funding needs to the stage of development - Early stage product development funding is the most expensive funding, while later stage working capital funding is less expensive.

Plan an exit for the investor (equity finance) – Generally, the investor's objective with early stage funding is to earn a 35% to 50% annual return on investment over the life of the investment. To enhance the investor's interest in your company or project, show how they can cash out, perhaps through a public offering or acquisition.

Supporting documents – Beside the business plan, any useful document should be included that can support the business plan.

Edit your business plan - Have you plan reviewed by a cross section of complementary disciplines, including disinterested venture capitalist, professional writers, investment advisors or CPA's.

Overall, investors look for market-driven enterprises, solid management teams and an exit for their investment with a 35% plus annual return. Integrating these attributes into your business plan will enhance the position of your enterprise when seeking financing.

For further detailed information about business plans writing/restructuring or business plan guidelines, please feel free to contact us.

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